A vintage Cottage

Just my story about a little Vintage Cottage I stumbled upon "down the shore" one day. I'd been searching for one like it for a little more than 2 years. All I required were two small things.
A small price, and a small view of the water.
Now, 9 years later, it is hard to believe I ever thought twice about it when I found it. I remember saying to the real estate agent "You know it really needs work, I would only be buying it for the view." But oh boy... boy what a view!
I thought about it for a full month. The price was great. The view far surpassed my dreams of what was within my reach. I am so glad I saw the possibilities, and had a simple vision for the interior. This is a continuing story about the joys that have come my way through my Cottage Beach House.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

1st on the list..Kitchen chair makeover

It's time for my once gorgeous kitchen chairs to be renewed. They have taken a severe beaten over the last 5 years from a set of 3 otherwise fine teenagers. My son has continually rolled back on his chair, and completely loosened up the bolts underneath the chair to the point that the leg is practically dangling off.
And the screws have worked their way out of the seats as well,on 3 out of 6 chairs.
Will be posting pics of the before chair tomorrow!


Here is how the chair re-do turned out.

Some new Fabric-----> It only took 2 and a half yards for 6 chairs!
Some fresh Paint

<------ remember this looked like this:

The final chair

Remember how bad they were:
It's time for my once gorgeous kitchen chairs to be renewed. They have taken a severe beaten over the last 5 years from a set of 3 otherwise fine teenagers. My son has continually rolled back on his chair, and completely loosened up the bolts underneath the chair to the point that the leg is practically dangling off.
And the screws have worked their way out of the seats as well,on 3 out of 6 chairs.
 Pics of one of the before chairs :
Yes, that is a leg hanging off that you see!

And your eyes are not playing tricks on you, the seat is hanging by one screw!

I'm all for chippy,  but this is a bit much.

So out comes my trusty paint brush and some brand new fabric.  Let's see if I can tackle these chairs, There are 6 of them... hummmnnn ....this could take  time. 
Maybe next week.
Linking up with Funky junk Interiors

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