A vintage Cottage

Just my story about a little Vintage Cottage I stumbled upon "down the shore" one day. I'd been searching for one like it for a little more than 2 years. All I required were two small things.
A small price, and a small view of the water.
Now, 9 years later, it is hard to believe I ever thought twice about it when I found it. I remember saying to the real estate agent "You know it really needs work, I would only be buying it for the view." But oh boy... boy what a view!
I thought about it for a full month. The price was great. The view far surpassed my dreams of what was within my reach. I am so glad I saw the possibilities, and had a simple vision for the interior. This is a continuing story about the joys that have come my way through my Cottage Beach House.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My little piece of Heaven

I found a Cottage in the best possible location. Everywhere i go is another great view.
This was driving back from dinner one night. I just love the sky blue pink
Remember that crayon color?
This picture was taken with my cell phone while the car was moving. Such a handy dandy device that blackberry! I love this sunset!

And the picture below of pink streaks across the sky from the sun setting, which I ran out to the bay to see but was a bit late to get pictures, but these pics I took from my Cottage, in the sunroom on the second floor... what used to be a tatty old deck... I love that I get to see the sun rise and when it does a fancy setting I see the colors from this location. Sometimes on a really clear night I can see the red lights of Atlantic City, some 60 miles clear up the coast.

And below are the gorgeous sunrise that sometimes wakes me.
 I love how the little boat was gliding by.

This is the place that has bought so many fine memories for me and my family.
I am forever grateful.

Thanks for stopping by!

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