A vintage Cottage

Just my story about a little Vintage Cottage I stumbled upon "down the shore" one day. I'd been searching for one like it for a little more than 2 years. All I required were two small things.
A small price, and a small view of the water.
Now, 9 years later, it is hard to believe I ever thought twice about it when I found it. I remember saying to the real estate agent "You know it really needs work, I would only be buying it for the view." But oh boy... boy what a view!
I thought about it for a full month. The price was great. The view far surpassed my dreams of what was within my reach. I am so glad I saw the possibilities, and had a simple vision for the interior. This is a continuing story about the joys that have come my way through my Cottage Beach House.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Not so Perfect Bed

I just read a great "how to" on making a bed look messy, on a blog called Funky Junk Interiors. And I am itching to give this a try.

Normally I make my bed... just so... each morning. And I like it.
 I really don't mind making it. 
But recently I've come across a few intriguing photo shots of shabby chic crumbled up, messy looking beds that have me... well let's just say, fantasizing. They look so romantic. I think I can do it. I'm going to try.

Here is how my bed at the Beach House normally looks:


Now I am leaving for a while to go try this... messiness...

Ummmnn ....that was fun. 

 I really love how it turned out and it was pretty easy, interestingly enough I had a duvet cover I purchased 2 years ago on sale that I never used, because I really like my rag quilt, and I was  thinking I would have to switch it out entirely. 

But with this idea from Funky Junk Interiors I could use it with my rag quilt, as an accent piece...yippeee! Get that pretty baby out of the closet! 
And i just crumpled up that duvet cover and fluffed it up on top of the rag quilt, and viola!

Here is the result...

Pulled the bedsheets down a bit..

I just had to take another shot.

I love the new crumpled up look!
It's inviting.

And I have to show you the the cute little nite table that came with the house!
It stands on the right side of the bed.

I just gave it a fresh coat of Behr Cottage white paint.
It's chippy is ala natural, cause it got painted 4 years ago!!

The adorable plate on top serves as a landing spot at night for a drink, glasses, etc... I got it for 25 cents at a thrift!
Seashell found on the beach.

I love the touches of aqua in the leaves.

 Now I wont feel so bad when by bed's not picture perfectly made.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Hi Eileen,

Thanks for your visit to my blog...your's is a delight, as well.

I will have to remember how chic a messy bed is when I have not made mine until late afternoon! {Love that little night table too.}


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