A vintage Cottage

Just my story about a little Vintage Cottage I stumbled upon "down the shore" one day. I'd been searching for one like it for a little more than 2 years. All I required were two small things.
A small price, and a small view of the water.
Now, 9 years later, it is hard to believe I ever thought twice about it when I found it. I remember saying to the real estate agent "You know it really needs work, I would only be buying it for the view." But oh boy... boy what a view!
I thought about it for a full month. The price was great. The view far surpassed my dreams of what was within my reach. I am so glad I saw the possibilities, and had a simple vision for the interior. This is a continuing story about the joys that have come my way through my Cottage Beach House.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sepia Saturday

I found a fun new past time for Saturdays! It's called Sepia Saturday and it's a linky party at 

You know I'm in!

In searching through some old photos I came across one of my Grandmom and Grandpop
 on my mom's side, circa 1915. How far photography has come! In this picture you can just about see the outline of the tree on the right in the background. Nowadays you would see every detail in the bark, and every leaf!

I really don't remember my Gramdpop as he died when I was very young.
 But I remember Grandmom very well. Because my mom and us 3 kids lived at her house with her starting in 1960.
I remember always making a beeline thru her kitchen to get to the back yard so I could go out to play.
Her telling me to "Slow down young lady, what's your hurry?"
I have my Grandmom's wedding dress. She was married in 1910. One day I will take a pic of it to post. It is in great condition, except for one thing. There was a 5 inch square cut from it when I found it in my mother' s chest. And mom told me someone must have cut it for something old for the wedding tradition. Perhaps one of my aunts or their daughter's. 
She had 10 children. My mom and her sister Marge looked alot alike. The only one left now of those ten is my Uncle Bill I usually see him once a year down the shore, at Labor Day. last year I grilled him for all he could remember. And he has an amazing memory. 
I had to write it all down because he remembers so much.

I loved helping her grind up ham for hash with that old steal meat grinder we'd clamp onto the table.
And Grandmom did her chores all day except she took a 3 hour break each and every day to watch the soap operas from 12 to 3. "As the World Turns" so do the sands of time.... Anyone remember that?
And 2 others, maybe General Hospital. Then she went back to more chores. 

I remember when Grandmom took to her bed and died at home in her own room.
It was around the time  JFK was killed. Maybe 6 to 10 months prior. 
I think passing away at home with your loved ones near is a true blessing.

1 comment:

LillyB said...

I have these memories... my grandma used the steel grinder to grind up chuck roast so we could have hamburger steaks! They were so good!! I didn't realize how much work went into her doing that for us! I wish I had followed her around with a tape recorder! She also loved her soaps LOL and the news and Jesus! I miss her so much. Thanks for the great blog!!

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